The MED-CAMPUS Certificate Program on
Coastal Zone Management

28 August - 14 September 1995, Ankara - Marmaris - Capadocia, T U R K E Y






1.1. Objectives
1.3. The Program of the MEDCOAST INSTITUTE 95
1.5. The MEDCOAST INSTITUTE Participants
1.6. Academic Degree Awarded
1.7. The MEDCOAST INSTITUTE Lecture Notes


    2.1. Intensive Training
    • 2.1.1. Exercise A
      2.1.2. Exercise B
      2.1.3. Exercise C
      2.1.4. Exercise D



4.2. The Formal Lectures



    4.1. Concluding Workshop
    • 4.1.1. Water pollution
      4.1.2. EIA in general of various develoments
      4.1.3. Specially protected areas management
      4.1.4. Urbanization
      4.1.5. Tourism
      4.1.6. Wetlands
      4.1.7. Beach management
      4.1.8. Environmental infrastructure
      4.1.9. Habitats and wildlife preservation
      4.1.10. Land use planning
      4.1.11. ariela??

    4.3. Simulation Game

      4.2.1. Intensive Training
      • Exercise E Exercise F Exercise G
      6.2. Contents of the Program
      6.3. Qualifications of the Target Group
      6.4. Social and Personal Aspects
      6.5. Personal Data
      6.6. Participants' Suggestions


28 August - 15 September 1995
Ankara-Marmaris/Fethiye-Cappadocia, Turkey


1.1. Objectives:

The goal of the MEDCOAST Initiative was to enhance scientific and professional collaboration of individuals and institutes (networking) in the Mediterranean and Black Sea countries or elsewhere for the purposes of:

  • Producing means to improve our understanding of physical and ecological processes taking place in the coastal and sea environment, and their interactions with human activities.
  • Facilitating the utilization of scientific knowledge and management tools in achieving integrated management of coastal and sea areas.
  • Complementing the existing efforts having similar goals, most notably those of the Mediterranean Action Plan.

The Network MEDCOAST, funded by the European Community, comprises of 4 universities and 3 institutions, and aims to contribute to the rational use and protection of coastal and sea resources of the Mediterranean, by developing educational programs. The MED-CAMPUS Certificate Program, organized by the MEDCOAST INSTITUTE 95, has the goal of giving educational programs to professionals and mid level managers. The brochure of the Institute is given in Annex 1. The Institute was developed at Middle East Technical University through collaboration of the institutions participating in the network.


The MED-CAMPUS Certificate Program on Coastal Zone Management in the Mediterranean- funded by the European Community under the Network MEDCOAST- was organized by the MEDCOAST INSTITUTE 95 and held between 28 August - 15 September 1995 in Ankara-Marmaris/Fethiye-Cappadocia, Turkey. The program of the MEDCOAST INSTITUTE 95 consisted of three parts:

  • One-week long formal lectures by the faculty on various topics related to Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) in the Mediterranean and the Black Sea and presentations by participants. The lectures were held at Middle East Technical University (METU), Ankara between 28 August-1 September 1995.


  • A seven-days long field study trip on two traditional wooden boats sailing along the coasts between Marmaris and Fethiye and anchoring at locations of significant coastal conservation and/or development activities for observations and interviews. This field study trip took place between 2-9 September 1995.


  • A five-days long "hands on" training, including lectures, reports by participants on their field study topics, group exercises and discussions, a "simulation game" on a scenario. This final part of the MEDCOAST INSTITUTE 95 took place in Cappadocia on 11-15 September 1995.

Details of these three parts of the Certificate Program are given in the proceeding sections.

1.3. The Program of the MEDCOAST INSTITUTE 95:

The full program of the MEDCOAST INSTITUTE is given in Annex 2.


The MEDCOAST INSTITUTE Faculty include the following experts from the universities and institutes which cooperate in the Network MEDCOAST:

  • Prof. Aysen Ergin
    Middle East Technical University
  • Dr. Frank van der Meulen
    University of Amsterdam
  • Anton Micallef
    University of Malta
  • Prof. Erdal Özhan (Head)
    Middle East Technical University
  • Dr. Jens Sorensen
    University of Massachusetts, Boston
  • Malcolm Thomas
    Pembrokeshire College
  • Mr. Jentje van der Weide
    Delft Hydraulics
  • Prof. Allan T. Williams
    University of Glamorgan

In addition, an expert from the Mediterranean Action Plan was invited as guest lecturer, for introducing the important international efforts towards coastal and sea management. Ivica Trumbic, Coordinator of Mediterranean Action Plan - Priority Actions Program could join the Institute for the closing day and gave a very valuable two hour-long lecture.

1.5. The MEDCOAST INSTITUTE Participants:

The MEDCOAST INSTITUTE was designed for:

  • Professionals who hold mid-managerial positions in their central governments and who are responsible for planning and execution of programs or projects on coastal and sea issues.

Next priorities were given (in decreasing order) to:

  • Municipalities,
  • Non-Governmental Environmental Organizations, and
  • Universities.

For eligibility of acceptance to the Institute, the participants were required to have:

  • A basic university degree (Bachelor of Science, Engineering, Art or Law) in a relevant field, and
  • An experience of at least 5 years.

More than 70 applications from 19 different countries were received by the Institute Secretariat and among these 24 participants from 16 different countries were selected. Unfortunately, Ms. Alexandra Mexa, from Greece, and Mr. Ibrahim Maiyza, from Egypt could not attend to the program due to last minute engagements. This reduced the number of active participants of the Institute to 22 representing 15 countries. Out of this number, 2 were from the European Community, 2 from Black Sea, and 10 from Mediterranean Non-Community countries. 8 of the participants were from various organizations and universities in Turkey. The list consisting of all names is given below:

  • Ms. Kadriye Aday-Turkey
  • Ms. Ayse Bayar-Turkey
  • Ms. Diana Alice Bucur-Romania
  • Mr. Antonio Cangemi-Italy
  • Mr. Juan Criado-Spain
  • Mr. Amir Walid Dajani-West Bank
  • Ms. Jale Emekdas-Turkey
  • Mr. Kamel Eseghairi-Tunisia
  • Mr. Yury Golubev-Ukraine
  • Ms. Marwa Kanj-Lebanon
  • Ms. Bahar Keskin-Turkey
  • Mr. Lounes Lahyani-Algeria
  • Mr. Fadil Mahmoud-Syria
  • Mr. Labeeb Mukhallalati-West Bank
  • Ms. Fatma Narli-Turkey
  • Mr. Veli Ortaçesme-Turkey
  • Ms. Funda Öztürk-Turkey
  • Ms. Anne Marie Sciberras-Malta
  • Ms. Özlem Ünal-Turkey
  • Ms. Ariela Weinberg-Israel
  • Mr. Walid A. Nazmy Younes-Egypt
  • Ms. Soukaina Zizah-Morocco

The participation with respect to countries are given the following table in the next page:






Gaza Strip
























West Bank


The distribution of participants according to their backgrounds, degrees and positions are indicated below:

  • Backgrounds:
    Natural Sciences
    Social Sciences


  • Degrees:
    B. Eng., B.Sc., or B.A.
    M.Eng., M.Sc., or M.A.


  • Positions:
    Government Agency
    University/Research Orga.
    Private Sector

The distribution of age among the participants was 22 to *** years.)

1.6. Academic Degree Awarded:

The MEDCOAST INSTITUTE awarded a MED-CAMPUS CERTIFICATE in Coastal Zone Management to the participants who successfully completed the course work, the field investigation, and the final workshop. A copy of the Certificate is given in Annex 3.

1.7. The MEDCOAST INSTITUTE Lecture Notes:

Each participant of the MEDCOAST INSTITUTE received a set containing the lecture notes discussed during the one-week intensive training at METU and five-days long training in Cappadocia and references relevant to each lecture of the Faculty Members. The list of all documents distributed, grouped under the names of the Faculty Members, are given below:

Prof. Aysen Ergin

  1. A. Ergin (1994). Coastal Engineering. (Lecture notes)

Dr. Frank van der Meulen

  1. Functions of Nature and Environmental Function Evaluation. (Lecture notes)
  2. Coastal and Marine Systems: Sandy Coasts & Dunes (F. vd Meulen & J. vd Weide). (Lecture notes)
  3. Introduction to Coastal Ecology on a Global Scale. (Lecture notes)

Anton Micallef

  1. Basic Concepts of Marine Living Resource Management. (Lecture notes)

Prof. Erdal Özhan

  1. A Global Representative System of Marine Protected Areas. ( Vol. 1, 77-104)
    • Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority
    • The World Bank
    • The World Conservation Union (IUCN)
  2. The Status of Marine Conservation in Spain. ( Ocean And Coastal Management, 24, A.A. Ramos-Espla & Sally E. McNeill)
  3. International Sustainable Development Conference. (1991, Istanbul)
  4. MEDCOAST Initiative: Contributing to Environmental Management of the Coastal and Sea Areas of the Mediterranean and the Black Sea. (???)
  5. MEDCOAST Institute: A Training Program on Coastal Zone Management in the Mediterranean / Black Sea. (E. Özhan & E. Be_ire Çulhao_lu ***)
  6. MEDCOAST 93, Conclusions and Recomendations.
  7. Marina Technology. (Editor W. R. Blain)
    Computational Mechanics Publication-Thomas Telford
  8. Coastal Water Quality Management and Beaches. (E. Özhan, L. Hapo_lu-Bala_ ???)
  9. The Mirage of Sustainable Development. (Environment Update, April 1994, by Thomas J. DiLorenzo)

Prof. Jens Sorensen

  1. J. Sorensen and S. T. Mc Creary (1990). Institutional Arrangements for Managing Coastal Resources and Environments. Renewable Resources Information Services. Coastal Management Publications No: 1 (Revised 2nd Edition). (Few chapters not included)
  2. The Impact Assesment Processes (????)
  3. CZM Techniques and Instruments (Lecture notes)
  4. Economic Valuation Techniques for the Environment, Chapter 1 and 6. (Edited by John A. Dixon and Maynard M. Hufschmidt)
  5. The Economics of Environmental Improvement, Chapter 2. (????)
  6. Cost Analysis for Nonpoint Source Control Strategies in the Chesapeake Basin. (Lynn R. Shulyer, U.S. EPA)
  7. Data Needed to Assess the Value of a Nation's Coastal Resources. (???)
  8. Arrangement of Uses Across the Coastal Zone. (????)

Malcolm Thomas

  1. Geographical Information Systems and Coastal Resource Management-An Introduction.
  2. Idrisi Tutorial Exercises (???)
  3. Application of Idrisi (????)

Ivica Trumbic

  1. Introduction to MAP. (Lecture notes)

Mr. Jentje van der Weide

  1. DELFT Brochure-2
  2. Systems Analysis, a Means to Support CZM. (Lecture notes)
  3. Information Systems and Decision Support Systems in Marine and Coastal resources Management: Experiences from the North Sea and the Gulf Region (H. vd Most & M. B. de Vries)
  4. Legislative Instruments and Governance Arrangements for CZM. (Lecture notes)

Prof. Allan T. Williams

  1. Global Environmental Issues: Sea Level Rise (Lecture notes)
  2. Global Environmental Issues: The Validity of Global Warming. (Lecture notes)
  3. Reasons for Wetland Loss (Lecture notes)
  4. Wetland Values (Lecture notes)
  5. Tidal Flats, Muds and Wetlands. (Lecture notes)
  6. Rocky Coast Management. (Lecture notes)
  7. Beach Avards and Rating Systems (A.T. Williams, R. Morgan)
  8. Beach Management Guidelines: Dimensional Analysis (A.T. Williams, P. Davies)
  9. Beach User Questionnaire
  10. Beach Quality Rating Checklist - International Version
  11. Criteria for the Blue Flag for the Beaches.

The exercises carried out and presentations given by the participants during the MEDCOAST INSTITUTE 95 are listed below:

  1. Problems and of coastal areas in the Mediterranean
    Contributions of participants from 15 countries.
  2. Uses of coastal areas in the Mediterranean
    Contributions of participants from 15 countries.
  3. Problems and uses of coastal areas with respect to 3 regions: The Black Sea, Eastern Mediterranean and Western Mediterranean.
  4. Presentations of participants on national coastal issues and problems.
  5. Presentations of participants on their observations during the field study along the coast between Marmaris and Fethiye on assigned topics.
  6. Management plan for Dalyan specially protected area
  7. Problems with institutional, legal and social systems of the Mediterranean and Black Sea countries for successful ICZM
  8. Environmental impacts and use conflicts at Sar_germe-Dalaman coast

Also included within the set of documents were the following:

  1. The MEDCOAST Initiative (General Introduction of the Opening Session)
  2. Participant and Faculty List
  3. Final Program
  4. Field Trip Program
  5. Presentation of one of the participants, Kamel Esseghairi on the topic of: Coastal Zone Management in Tunisia, Issues and Perspectives.


2.1. Intensive Training:

The intensive training of the MEDCOAST INSTITUTE 95 during the first week took place at room DR1 - Civil Engineering Department of METU. The full time table is given in Annex 2.

The questions and comments period regarding the information delivered took place right after the lectures. The longer discussions and exercises related to some of the concepts lasted longer, some the whole afternoon. These exercises are also indicated on the program in Annex 2. During these exercises various issues regarding coastal zone management were discussed. Details about these exercises are indicated below:

2.1.1. Exercise A: Presentations of participants on CZM issues in their countries:

This first exercise had the aim of informing the group about the coastal issues of each country being represented at the Institute, at the same time providing general information about the country itself ( e.g. population, area, length of coasts, existing legislation on coasts, etc.). The participants, together with the faculty, had a chance to learn the CZM issues existing in many of the countries of the Mediterranean and the Black Sea.

2.1.2. Exercise B: Coastal uses and problems of each country

This exercise was concentrated on the countries. Various coastal "uses" and coastal "problems" were listed and representatives of each country were asked to rank each item from 1 to 5, 1 representing the most important. The main coastal uses listed were:

  • urbanization
  • secondary housing
  • tourism
  • recreation
  • waste water management and disposal
  • transportation
  • fisheries
  • drinking water supply
  • agriculture
  • aquaculture
  • industry
  • research
  • oil and gas exploration
  • forestry
  • commercial uses
  • areas under conservation and protection

"Urbanization" and "tourism" were ranked as the primary coastal use by most of the participants. "recreation", "transportation", "industry" and "fisheries" were some of the second most important coastal uses. The full list representing the priorities of the countries is given in Annex 4.

As for the coastal problems, the list consisted of the following items:

  • water resource depletion
  • insufficient infrastructure
  • damage to underwater life
  • over/illegal fishing
  • loss of habitat
  • absence of erosion control
  • transport of sand
  • pollution
  • urbanization
  • secondary housing
  • uncontrolled/illegal developments
  • absence of legislation and conflict between laws
  • insufficient beach facilities
  • political interference
  • industrial development
  • absence/problems in ICZM plans
  • lack of management plans for SPA
  • lack of monitoring
  • lack of public participation/education
  • conflicts between different land-uses
  • financial problems

As the primary coastal problem, "pollution" was chosen by the majority. "Erosion", "urbanization", "absence/problems in ICZM plans", "absence of legislation and conflict between laws", "loss of habitat" and "political interference" were some of the second most important coastal problems. The full list of answers for this part of the exercise is also given under Annex 4.

2.1.3. Exercise C: Primary coastal uses and problems of 3 regions

This exercise had a similar objective as Exercise B, but for this case the area of interest was not the countries but the regions. This group work, which took place on 31 August 1995, was based on the primary coastal uses and coastal problems in 3 geographical regions, namely the Black Sea, the Eastern Mediterranean and the Western Mediterranean. Participants were grouped into these 3 regions. Each group was formed by the nationals of that region.

The primary coastal use was found as "tourism" by the two Mediterranean group and as the secondarily important coastal use by the Black Sea group. The Black Sea ranked "urbanization" as the first most important, whereas Eastern Mediterranean group chose that as second most important use. Western Mediterranean group chose "transportation" as the second most important coastal use. The third priority varied for each group: Western Mediterranean chose "aquaculture" and "fisheries", Eastern Mediterranean chose "waste water management and disposal" and "drinking water supply"; and Black Sea chose "industry". The full uses table is given in Annex 5.

The second part of this exercise consisted of coastal problems in national and regional scope. The primary coastal problem noted by Black Sea group was "pollution", by Eastern Mediterranean group was "financial constraints" and by Western Mediterranaen group was "lack of integration to CZM".

The second ranking for problem also varied for all groups: "lack of lregislation" for Western Mediterranean, "lack of data base" for Eastern Mediterranean and "lack of co-ordination and legislation" for the Black Sea. The full table regarding primary coastal problems in 3 regions is also given in Annex 5.

2.1.4. Exercise D: Coastal uses matrix

This exercise carried out at the Institute was on multiple uses of coastal areas and on the relationships among various uses. The multiple uses were listed as a matrix and the participants were asked to fill out the table with respect to the problems associated at their countries. This exercise was carried out following Prof. Vallega's lecture on Thursday, 1st September. The matrix is available under Annex 6.

The multiple uses listed at the matrix are given on the next page:

    Navigation and communication


      separation lines
      navigation aids
      offshore port terminal
  • Mineral resources


      sand and gravel dredging
      exploration drilling
      production plants up to 200 m. isobath
      production plants beyond 200 m. isobath
      coastal oil plants
      ocean mining
  • Biological resources


      demersal fishing
      pelagic fishing
  • Waste disposal and pollution


      riverine discharge
      industrial outfalls
      urban sewage
      oil pollution
  • Defense


      exercise areas
  • Research
      scientific research
  • Recreation


      yacht racing
      marine cruising
  • Protection
      marine parks

The results of this exercise were later discussed with respect to developed and developing countries. It was agreed by all participants that conflicts arise between environmental protection and all other fields of industry- such as coastal oil plants, shipping, sand and gravel dredging, defense exercises, all types of pollution, or recreation- when environmental benefits are the target. The results were interesting in the sense that for Egypt for example exploration and dredging were the most important environmental concerns of the country. As for Bulgaria, pelagic fish were under threat due to oil pollution. One of the Turkish participants emphasized the importance of nature reserves and the threat being faced even as the result of scientific research.


The program of the field study trip is given in Annex 7. The impressions of the participants about the trip is described in a report, handed in Annex 8.


4.1. Concluding Workshop:

The aim of the concluding workshop was to re-evaluate the field study trip along the coast between Marmaris and Fethiye and, with respect to the issues shared by each participant, listen and discuss the realities of this area from coastal zone management point of view. The presentations, in this respect, were very constructive. All of the participants were very well prepared on the specific topics assigned to them.

4.1.1. Water pollution

4.1.2. EIA in general of various develoments

4.1.3. Specially protected areas management

4.1.4. Urbanization

4.1.5. Tourism

4.1.6. Wetlands

4.1.7. Beach management

4.1.8. Environmental infrastructure

4.1.9. Habitats and wildlife preservation

4.1.10. Land use planning

4.1.11. ariela??

4.2. The Formal Lectures

4.2.1. Intensive Training

The second part of the intensive training of the MEDCOAST INSTITUTE 95 took place in Cappadocia, Club Med Kaya Hotel. The full time table is given in Annex 2. Exercise E: Management plan for Dalyan specially protected area Exercise F: Problems with institutional, legal and social systems of the Mediterranean and Black Sea countries for successful ICZM Exercise G: Environmental impacts and use conflicts at Sar_germe-Dalaman coast

4.3. Simulation Game:

The simulation game held during the final part of the "hands-on" training was kindly provided by Harvard Law School. The multi-party simulation was on Banksedge Bay, where the river of Banksedge flows into the Atlantic ocean and the city of Seaborne is located. A summary of the complete multi-party simulation is given below:

A newly formed national consortium, Harborco, is interested in building and operating a deepwater port off the coast of Seaborne.Harborco is prepared to participate in the financing, construction, and operation of the port. It has already engaged in some preliminary planning and design work, but cannot proceed without a licence issued by the Federal Licensing Agency (FLA).

The deepwater port would be located in Seaborne at the estuary of the Banksedge River and would accommodate a new generation of large cargo ships and supertankers. The port would be based on an artificial island created with fill from the dredging of the access channel.The island would be connected to the sore by a network of highways, railroads, and pipelines. On-shore, an Air-Sea-Cargo Center would be developed. Most of the industrial plant and ancillary facilities would be located on the island. The projected cost of the port is roughly $4 billion.

However, several other parties have an interest in the deepwater port and Harborco's application for a licence.

The Environmental League: The League is worried that Harborco's proposed port would seriously damage the environment of Seaborne and destroy the basic Banksedge River ecology.

Local Federation of Labour Unions: The Union anticipates the creation of hundreds of new jobs in both the short-run and long-run. It will argue strongly, however that these jobs should be reserved for local union members.

Other Ports in the Region: The four other ports in the region are not pleased with Harborco's proposal. They expect to lose a substantial amount of business to the new port if it is constructed.

Federal Department of Coastal Resources (DCR): This agency has a dual mandate: (1) to help realize the economic potential of the nation's coastal resources and (2) to preserve the environmental integrity of the nation's coastal areas. The DCR would like to see a deepwater port established, and has the resources and authority to subsidize such a port if chooses.

Governor Sherwood (of Seaborne): Governor Sherwood is eager to promote development in her state. She is also anxious to see that unions share in the benefits of the port.

The FLA will not approve Harborco's application unless it is clear that there is substantial support for the project. It has therefore decided that it will approve Harborco's proposal only if Harborco can muster the support of at least 4 other parties.

Preliminary discussions have taken place between Harborco and representatives of the five key parties. As a result of these conversations, Harborco has identified five issues which seem to be of concern to all or some of the parties. A general description of the issues is provided below; more detailed information is provided in each party's confidential instructions.

Issue A: Industry Mix

  • Primarily dirty
  • Clean/Dirty
  • All clean

Issue B: Ecological Impact

  • Some harm to ecology
  • Maintain or repair ecological balance
  • Improve the ecological setting

Issue C: Employment Rules

  • Unlimited union preference
  • Union quota of 2:1
  • Union quota of 1:1
  • No union preference

Issue D: Federal Loan

  • A $ billion loan
  • A $ billion loan
  • A $ billion loan
  • No federal loan

Issue E: Compensation to Other Ports in the Region

  • Harborco pays $600 million in current dollars to the other ports
  • Harborco pays $450 million in current dollars to the other ports
  • Harborco pays $300 million
  • Harborco pays $150 million
  • Harborco makes no compensation to the other ports

In an attempt to muster support for its current proposal, Harborco has invited all the key parties to a meeting. Its stated objective for the meeting is to seek a "negotiated agreement" among all parties to ensure unanimous support for its proposal.

The negotiation discussions of the groups lasted nearly 3 hours. The discussions were very active and for many of the participants it was for the first time to act in a simulation game. The conclusion reached was the following: "clean/dirty industry mix that is excluding the "most dirty" industries; improving the ecological setting like wildlife protection; union quota of 2:1, $2 billion federal loan, and 25% compensation to the other ports".



The questionnaire addressed to the participants of the MEDCOAST INSTITUTE 95 is given in Annex 9. The questionnaire included 5 sections, as indicated below:

  • Content of the Program
  • Qualifications of the Target Group
  • Social and Personal Aspects
  • Personal Data

Altogether 11 questions were directed to the participants. The evaluation of results are indicated below. The evaluation of each question is based on the count of the mostly given answers.


The participants of the Institute rated the selection of the course curriculum, in particular to issues of the Mediterranean and the Black Sea as average. One-week long formal lectures, on topics related to integrated coastal management in general, and their organization together with one-week long field trip, on boats along the coast from Marmaris to Fethiye (Ölü Deniz) were found successful by everyone. The choice of the visited sites' significance in terms of conservation and/or development activities, the one-week long workshop, and its organization, in Cappadocia (presentations, group discussions) was rated as very successful. The simulation game, with the heading ...., was ranked as highly successful by almost all participants.

The second question in this section was about suggestions on the ideal length of this certificate program. The majority of the participants chose the ideal duration of 2-3 weeks. MEDCOAST Institute this year lasted for 3 weeks, inclusive of arrival and departure days, which was actually the reflection of most participants' opinions.

6.2. Contents of the Program

The majority of the participants strongly approved the inclusion of the following topics within the curriculum of the MEDCOAST Institute 95;

  • Specific Coastal Zone Management (CZM) issues and problems in the Mediterranean and the Black Sea
  • Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) for sustainable development
  • Theoretical framework for ICZM
  • Physical description of coastal systems
  • Ecological description of coastal systems
  • Coastal and sea resources, and their uses
  • Coastal development activities
  • Use of coastal engineering technology in CZM
  • Coastal management techniques and tools
  • Institutional arrangements
  • Legal arrangements
  • Review of past Mediterranean Action Plan (MAP) activities
  • Mediterranean Agenda 21 (Rio Declaration) efforts
  • Introduction to Global Environmental Facility (GEF) project for the Black Sea: Black Sea Environmental Program activities

The inclusion of the following topics to the curriculum were rated as "agreeable" by the participants:

  • The use of GIS and the exercise
  • Global issues (such as sea level rise) and consequences

Most of the participants thought that more effort and time should be devoted to important case studies specific to the Mediterranean and the Black Sea areas. The following are their suggestions for inclusion within the curriculum of Institutes that shall be organized:

  • Sustainable tourism and tourism issues with perspectives in the Mediterranean and the Black Sea
  • Regional CZM examples
  • Specific EIA studies, particularly on the Mediterranean and the Black Sea
  • Land use planning and design activities
  • Urbanization
  • Examples of successful ICZM studies from the world
  • ICZM for lakes
  • Methods of ICZM and the know-how for implementation
  • More political issues from various Mediterranean countries regarding the environment
  • Cultural aspects of CZM

6.3. Qualifications of the Target Group

As regards to the most important qualifications to be considered when deciding on a candidate's eligibility for the MEDCOAST Institute, the participants all agreed that the educational background of the applicant-with a minimum B.Sc. degree in a related field-, together with previous business/employment experience and english proficiency would be the most important aspects. It was also stated that diversification of nationalities represented in the selected group of participants was equally important as the above. The second most important qualifications for acceptance was seen as the availability of a post-graduate degree (either M.Sc. or Ph.D.), list of publications, if any, and basic managerial skills. The age range and was regarded as the least important aspects towards receiving acceptance to the Institute.

The target group of the MEDCOAST Institute 95 were aimed first to the mid-level managers of the government agencies. The results of this questionnaire indicated that high and middle level managers working at government agencies should receive a priority in participation. Non-governmental organization (NGO) employees, university academic staff and research organization employees together with private sector people dealing with coastal development were also rated as important after the above. Employees of government agencies and local government employees were rated as second most important. NGO managers received rating after this group. Local government managers were found as the least important target group for participation.

It was suggested that local government managers could be invited as guest speakers to convey information on implementation issues. Also, participation of some M.Sc. students -there were 3 students from Turkey attending this year's program- was thought to be of help to enhance knowledge.

6.4. Social and Personal Aspects

Most of the participants answered the question 'what assistance could be useful to make the participants' stay more enjoyable?' as "everything perfect!" But, some of them pointed out various issues which will be of use in designing the organisations of future MEDCOAST Institutes. The following are some of the raised topics:

During in-class training and stay in Ankara:

  • no in-depth lectures (the length and width of waves)
  • a GIS lecture focusing on the issues of Mediterranean and solutions, if available
  • a topic on international law
  • an experienced assistant throughout the training
  • distribution of some literature prior to the course for an overview
  • list of most important Turkish words and phrases for easy communication around
  • higher amount of stipend for meals on campus
  • more social gatherings and activities
  • a guided tour around Ankara

During the field-study trip:

  • diving opportunity for professional divers to study archaeological sites and the effect due to tourism
  • no lectures under the sun!
  • spending more time on land than on the boat
  • more swimming time and some spare time
  • inadequate time for observations and excessive for meals
  • insufficient time for field observations and accurate surveys; always in a rush!
  • more experienced assistant to carry out the mission
  • standard information on sea-sickness and basic medication before embarking for the ones who are likely to get effected

During the hands-on training:

  • less lecture for more leisure time
  • instead of lectures discussion of real solutions for CZM problems
  • prevention of heavy drinking
  • solution for the flies at the hotel!

In general, the participants rated the whole program as very successful. One of the participants stated that the field-study trip and the hands-on training was very well organized with nothing to complain about! The choice of Cappadocia as the site for the final workshop (as well as the superb meals at the hotel) and the boat trip along Marmaris/Fethiye (which included comments on the life and meals on the boat) played a great role in their decision. The Seminar Hall at METU was ranked very satisfactory, but the accommodation at the Halls of Residence and the eating facilities on the campus were regarded as satisfactory by the majority. The accommodation on the boats was also found satisfactory.

6.5. Personal Data

Based on the answers of the questionnaire, the drawn results indicated that some of the participants have worked for their present company for 5-10 years. There were few new-graduates, some students with few years of work experience and some with experience for more than 5 years. There were few working since 15 years.

It was indicated that many of the participants have worked for their present company ever since they have started work, with few exceptions of having worked in various other organisations. Most of the participants mentioned their previous career experiences, some in the academic field, and others in public or the private sector, while few had services and administration experiences prior to their present posts.

Generally, the average number of working hours of the participants per week during the last 6 months were between 40 to 50 hours. Some had indicated lesser and some more than this range, but there were two participants with 61-70 hours of work per week.

This year 22 participants from 15 different countries attended the MEDCOAST Institute. The positions of the 19 questionnaire respondents were as follows:

  • civil servant (x3)
  • section chief
  • officer (x2)
  • university professor
  • senior lecturer (x3)
  • demonstrator of university
  • associate director (x2)
  • research assistant (x4)
  • post-graduate student
  • private practitioner

6.6. Participants' Suggestions for Improvement of the Institute:

A great majority of the participants of MEDCOAST Institute 95 rated all activities throughout the duration of the program as very well organized. The Institute from all aspects was regarded as very efficient theoretically and enjoyable socially. Most of the participants agreed that they will definitely recommend their friends to participate at future MEDCOAST Institutes! The participants were mostly with different backgrounds. One of the participants, who will be pursuing a post-graduate study following the course stated that it was a great experience and definitely the basis of the program she will soon be starting. Another participant stated that the idea of ICZM was very well transformed. Most of the lectures were found as very interesting. But, emphasis on the ecological aspects of the area visited was found as less stressed.

The trip on the boat was described as a lifetime experience. The social relations between the faculty and the participants was rated good. One participant regarded the efforts of the staff worth mentioning.


FIELD TRIP PROGRAM (please click here for the whole program)

2 September 1995
    Morning:    - Marmaris NETSEL Marina
                - Meeting with Mayor of Marmaris
    Afternoon:  - Embarking the field study boats (14:00)
                - Trip around Marmaris Bay, Günnük, Yalanci Bogazi
                  wet dock, Içmeler, Turunç (wastewater treatment plant),
                  Amos, Kumlubük
    Evening:    - Kumlubük or Kadirga Koyu

3 September 1995
    Morning:    - Aksaz - Karaagaç NATO Naval Base 
    Afternoon:  - Lunch at Kizilburun, Ekincik Koyu (SPA)
                - Talk with the Governor of Köycegiz and the owner of
                  My Marina tourism facility, Mr. Irfan Tezbiner
                - Dinner at My Marina
    Evening:    - Ekincik Mine Harbour

4 September 1995
    Morning:    - Arrival to Delik Ada
                - Dalyan beach, delta and wetland, Köyce_iz Lake (SPA)
    Afternoon:  - Meeting with Mayor of Dalyan and regional manager of
                  the SPA Authority
                - Iztuzu
    Evening:    - A__ Koyu

5 September 1995
    Morning:    - Early departure from A__ Koyu (06:00)
                - Ölüdeniz and Belcegiz beach area (Recreational area of
                  Ministry of Forestry)
                - Beach questionnaire exercise
    Afternoon:  - Lunch at Gemiler Adasi. Historical ruins at the island.
    Evening:    - Turunç Bükü (Fethiye Bay)

6 September 1995
    Morning:    - Hill Side Resort Hotel and Vacation Village
                - Fethiye Sea Outfall
                - Fethiye Bay tour (Sovalye Adasi, Letoon Holliday Village,
                  new marina project site, Çavus Burnu destructed wetland,
                  mine harbour, oil tanks, Aksaz recreation area, stone
                  tombs and excavation of the ancient theatre)
    Afternoon:  - Lunch at Yassi Adalar
                - Göcek city tour and meeting with the Mayor
    Evening:    - Göcek (evening: football match, Turkey-Hungary)

7 September 1995
    Morning:    - Göcek (Iltur Marina, Seka harbour, Etibank facilities,
                  Turkish Mine Company cromium wash-up facilities, new
                  marina project)
    Afternoon:  - Göcek bays (SPA) (Boynuz Bükü, Bedri Rahmi Koyu, Sarsala,
                  Sunk Baths (Cleopatra Bath)
    Evening:    - Çamlik Bay or A_a Port

8 September 1995
    Morning:    - Departure for Baba Island (early morning)
                - Sarigerme Tourism Development Project, sand dunes and
                - Meeting with Iber Park Hotel Manager and Governor of
                  Ortaca District
    Afternoon:  - Lunch at Sarigerme
                - Seka Pulp and Paper Plant, State Agriculture Farm, short
                  visit to Dalaman Airport, Koca Göl and Dalaman-Tersakan
    Evening:    - Baba Island

9 September 1995
    Morning:    - Departure for Marmaris (early morning)
                - Marmaris sea outfall
                - Final anchoring at Cennet Adasi
                - Arrival to Marmaris Port (11:00)
    Afternoon:  - Free time in Marmaris
    Evening:    - Departure to Cappadocia


Kadriye Aday
The Authority for the Protection of Special Areas
Koza Sokak 32, G.O.P. 06700 Ankara, Turkey
tel: 90 312 440-6919, 440-8554 
fax: 90 312 440-8553

Ayse Bayar
Environmental Engineering Department
Middle East Technical University
06531 Ankara, Turkey
tel: 90 312 210-1000 ext.5878
fax: 90 312 210-1260

Diana Alice Bucur
Constanta County Council, BD. Tomis nr. 51, 
8700 Constanta, Romania
tel: 4 041 612-854
fax: 4 041 615-594

Antonio Cangemi
Private Practitioner, Via di Scina, 15, 
90139 Palermo, Italy
tel: 39 91 585-863
fax: 39 91 322-352

Juan Criado
SEO/Birdlife (Spanish Ornithological Society), 
Carretera de Humera 63-1, 
28224 Pozuelo de Alarcon (Madrid), Spain
tel: 34 1 351-1045
fax: 34 1 351-1386

Amir Walid Dajani
Bethlehem University, 
Institute of Hotel Management and Tourism
P.O. Box 9, West Bank, Occupied Territories
tel: 972 2 855-002
fax: 972 2 271-530

Jale Emekdas
General Directorate of EIA and Planning, 
Ministry of Environment, Eskisehir Yolu 8 km., 
Bilkent Kavsagi, Ankara, Turkey
tel: 90 312 287-9963
fax: 90 312 286-2271

Kamel Esseghairi
Women for Sustainable Development (NGO) 
B.P. 337, 7 rue Remada, 
2000 le Bardo, Tunisia
tel: 216 1 510-714
fax: 216 1 510-714

Yury Golubev
Ukranian Hydrometeorological Institute, Ukraine
tel: 380 692 523-150
fax: 380 692 455-853

Marwa Kanj
Marine Research Center, Lebanon
tel: 961 1 349-565
fax: 961 1 602-006

Bahar Keskin
Coastal and Harbour Engineering Laboratory, Civil Engineering Dept.
Middle East Technical University, 06531 Ankara, Turkey
tel: 90 312 210-1000 ext.5435
fax: 90 312 210-1412

Lounes Lahyani
Institut Superieur Maritime, 
Bou-Ismail, 42415 W. Tipaza, Algeria
tel: 213 2 469-478
fax: 213 2 460-513

Fadil Mahmoud
Coastal Center for Pollution Combating, 
P.O. Box 514, Lattakia, Syria
tel: 963 41 427-869
fax: 963 41 419-297

Labeeb Mukhallalati
Ministry of Planning and International Cooperation 
Gaza Strip, Palestinian Authority, via Israel 
tel: 972 7 822-967 ext.276
fax: 972 7 824-090

Fatma Narli
Institute of Marine Sciences and Management, 
Istanbul University, Müskile Sokak, Vefa, 
34470 Istanbul, Turkey  
tel: 90 212 528-6022, 528-6023
fax: 90 212 526-8433

Veli Ortaçesme
Department of Landscape Architecture, Fac. of Agriculture
University of Çukurova, 01330 Adana, Turkey
tel: 90 322 338-6189, 338-6545
fax: 90 322 338-6189

Funda Öztürk
Fikirtepe Sok. Tekel _spirto ev. A/1 B, D.2, 
Kanlica, 81610 Istanbul, Turkey
tel: 90 216 322-6121
fax: 90 212 261-0549
e-mail: agmimfo@tryldz02.bitnet

Anne Marie Sciberras
St. Andrew, St. Georges Junction, 
St. Julian's, STJ10 Malta 
(University of Malta/Sussex)
tel: 356 336-173
fax: 356 330-441

Özlem Ünal
Department of Urban and Regional Planning, 
Faculty of Architecture
Dokuz Eylül University, 
Sehitler Cad. no: 12, Alsancak 35230 Izmir, Turkey
tel: 90 232 421-8643
fax: 90 232 421-5219

Ariela Weinberg
Ministry of Environment, 
P.O. Box 20110, Tel Aviv 64734, Israel
tel: 972 3 695-2494
fax: 972 3 695-1303

Walid A. Nazmy Younes
Oceanography Department, Faculty of Science
Alexandria University, 
Moharram Bey, Alexandria, Egypt
tel: 20 3 854-502
fax: 20 3 491-1794

Soukaina Zizah
Institut Scientifique des Peches Maritime 
2, rue Tiznit, 20000 Casablanca, Morocco
Tel: 212 2 268-192
Fax: 212 2 266-967


Civil Engineering Department
Middle East Technical University
06531 Ankara  Turkey
Tel: (90 312) 210-1000 ext.5435-5439
Fax: (90 312) 210-1412 

Landscape and Environmental Research Group
University of Amsterdam, Nieuwe Prinsengracht 130
1018 VZ Amsterdam  The Netherlands
Tel: (31 20) 525-7451
Fax: (31 20) 525-7431

University of Malta 
European Center on Insular Coastal Dynamics
Foundation for International Studies
St. Paul Street, Valletta, Malta
Tel: (356) 240-746
Fax: (356) 230-551

Civil Engineering Department
Middle East Technical University
06531 Ankara  Turkey
Tel: (90 312) 210-1000  ext.5435-5439
Fax: (90 312) 210-1412   

The Harbor and Coastal Center
The University of Massachusetts-Boston
100 Morrissey Blvd., Boston MA 02125-3393, USA
Tel: (1 617) 287- 5578  Fax: (1 617) 287-5599  

Pembrokeshire College
Pembrokeshire SA61 15Z, U.K.
Tel: (44 1437) 765-247
Fax: (44 1437) 767-279

Mediterranean Action Plan
Priority Actions Program/Regional Activity Center
Kraj sv. Ivana 11
58000 Split Croatia
Tel: (38558) 43499/591171
Fax: (38558) 361677

Delft Hydraulics
P.O. Box 152
8300 AD Emmeloord, The Netherlands
Tel: (31) 5274-2922
Fax: (31) 5274-3573  

Environmental Research Unit
University of Glamorgan
Pontypridd, Mid Glamorgan CF37 1DL, Wales, UK
Tel: (44 1443) 480-480
Fax: (44 1443) 482-285


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